30 May 2007

Welcome to my Peace Corps Blog!

Friends, family, colleagues - thank you for visiting my new blog!

I am hoping for the best -- that this becomes a place where I will share meaningful stories, insights, and information about my Peace Corps service and life in Burkina Faso. I am also hoping that it will encourage and enable you to engage me, my family, and others in a vibrant conversation about international development.

With my (dear) mother's help, I hope to post periodic updates. Where I am living, (map above!) there will likely be no electricity nearby so I plan to make some sort of regular pilgrimage to the internet. In the best case scenario, it will be close enough for me to bike. Otherwise, I ask my mom to take the lead updating this blog following our conversations on the phone. I know that if I do not at least call my parents periodically, they will kill me (with the power of guilt-trips!)

So, I will try to keep this current, interesting, and fun. I invite you to post comments. (That would be great!) But please email me at my gmail address if you would like to say something personal. ; ) You can also email me at csobiloff@hotmail.com.

Welcome & bienvenue... Burkina here I come!
