17 October 2007

Tuesday Morning

17 October 2007

I went for a run yesterday around 9am. It was a real treat to be listening to a great song on my ipod which is filled with a random sampling of my brother's music. I only get a chance to charge the device every two weeks on average, so far, so when I heard to kids calling behind me, I ignored them. Well they were still there when I looked back a minute later and even after greeting them, they carried on behind me.

My plan was to run a little more than 2K to the hill with intermittent phone service. If I was lucky, I'd be able to check my text messages. When I got to the top of hill, I turned off my headset and looked back. Two kids were climbing up right behind me. After another minute or two I had six panting, 8-11 year-old girls (my neighbors) next to me while I turned on my phone.

Of course I couldn't get service. I held my arm up high and stood on my toes. I walked to the left, the girls walked to the left. I walked to backwards, forwards, and to the right; they followed back, forth, to the right.

So much for my plan. But since I had gathered a following, I figured I'd give the girls their money's worth. I let them off to get a drink of water*, lined them up double arms distance, and gave them a quick introduction to boxing.

Then I told the girls I would be going home so they picked up their flip flops and we ran back to village together. We were all keeping a similar, modest pace - me in my running sneakers and the girls on their bare-foot, 10 year-old feet.

*Actually it was stagnant, dirty water collected in a small pool on the rock hill but I know I couldn't stop villagers from drinking this even if I tried. Plus, considering the fact that these kids would be running behind me no matter what, I preferred that they hydrate.

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